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Democratic Republic of the Congo

Ministry of Planning

National Investment Promotion Agency


Approval to the advantages of the Investment Code

1. Repositories

  • Law No. 004 of February 21, 2002 on the Investment Code;
  • Decree 009/33 of 08/08/2009 on ANAPI’s statutes, organization and functioning;
  • Decree n° 12/046 of 01/11/2012 implementing measures of the Investment Code;
  • Projects approval procedures manual, issued by the Approval Board, July 2013.

2. Procedure Click here to see the file submission template

The promoter sends a request for approval to the National Agency for the Promotion of Investments at the above-mentioned address, with a file containing the following elements: Click here to see the file submission template

  • A copy of the investment project, presented in accordance with the model annexed to the Investment Code;
  • A list of equipment and materials to be imported in electronic form;
  • Proof of the legal existence of the company (notarial statutes, RCCM n°, tax n°) and other useful documents (title deed, partnership contract, etc.);
  • Proof of payment of the fees for submitting the file to the Bank: USD 1,000 for large companies and USD 500 for SME projects and the application (relating to a file being processed).
  • ANAPI receives the investment projects after payment by the investors of the deposit fees to the bank, analyses them and issues opinions for their approval to the advantages of the general regime of the Investment Code;
  • The Approval Board sitting within ANAPI examines the investment projects analyzed by ANAPI, validates them by minutes after amendments.
  • ANAPI informs the promoter of the approval or rejection of the file by the Approval Committee.
  • The draft interministerial decrees approved by the Approval Committee are submitted to the Minister of Planning & Follow-up of the Modernity Revolution and the Minister of Finance respectively.
  • The interministerial approval order is delivered to the promoter by ANAPI within 30 days maximum, starting from the day the application file is submitted to ANAPI. After this deadline, the approval is deemed granted.
  • The financial agencies as well as ANAPI are then bound to let the investor enjoy all the advantages provided for in the Investment Code, upon presentation of the receipt of the file deposit signed by the ANAPI General Manager or his delegate and of the list of goods to be imported signed by the delegates of ANAPI, DGDA, DGI and DGRAD.